As a business owner, you know that capital is the driving force behind your business growth and expansion. But what if you don’t have capital sitting around ready to be spent? Then you might be in the market for a business loan. So, what exactly is a business loan?
What is a business loan?
A business loan is money you borrow from a bank or lender for business use that you will pay back in increments over an agreed period of time. A business loan gives you access to a large lump upfront sum and unlike other loans, the interest paid on a business loan is tax deductible.
What can I use a business loan for?
A business loan can be used for almost anything, just as long as it’s for business purposes. The loan can be either secured or unsecured (click here to find out what that means) and can have a fixed or variable interest rate. In simple terms, it’s very similar to a personal loan, but instead for business! Here are some common ways to use a business loan:
How do I get a business loan?
Now that we’ve covered the different ways to use a business loan, onto the easy part, applying for one! Our trusty artificial intelligence comparison tool will mine through mountains of data to find the best business loan specific to your company’s financial needs. Simply enter in your details (don’t forget to mention it’s for business use), and voilá, you’ll be instantly given access to hundreds of financial products for you to choose from. Press the button below to find the right options for your business needs.
Loan Options predictive AI can match you with the best loans for using your circumstances, without impacting your credit score. Chat with our team about how you can improve your credit score so you never have to stress about getting the finances you need.