Paying off your car loan early can be a great financial move.
If you are able to pay off your car loan early, you may be able to save hundreds or even thousands of dollars in interest payments. However, it is important to be aware of the pros and cons of making this decision.
When you pay off your car loan early, you may save significant amounts of money on interest payments. Even if you make extra payments on your car loan every month, it will still take several years to pay off the loan. Paying it off early can help you get rid of that debt faster and decrease the amount of money that you have to spend on interest over the life of the loan. It also frees up more money for other monthly expenses like rent or utilities.
You’re already making monthly payments on your car now.
Since you’re already used to making regular monthly car payments, consider using that money to pay off your loan early. Your lender may let you make extra payments toward your principal balance. If so, simply decide how much you want to pay each month in addition to your current payment amount. You can make higher monthly payments than the minimum required by your contract, but it’s important not to go over the pre-agreed maximum amount without seeking approval from the lender first.
There’s a chance you’ll be able to save money on interest payments.
If you take out a car loan, you’ll likely have to pay interest on the debt. This means your lender will charge an additional fee, called interest. Usually, interest is calculated as a percentage of the original loan amount or credit limit. And this percentage usually increases over time—a process known as compounding—if you don’t pay off the loan in full by the end date.
Interest rates are usually disclosed in an annual percentage rate (APR) and can vary widely depending on your financial history and other factors. For example, lenders may offer APRs between 4% and 28%. Generally speaking, the higher your credit score, the lower your APR will be.
When you’re ready to make a payment toward your car loan early, it’s important to first understand how much money you could save on interest by doing so. If you anticipate paying off all of what remains of your balance at once—and if doing so would result in a lower total cost to borrow than making payments until the end of the original repayment term—you may find that it makes sense financially to pay off your car loan early.
You can save the interest you would have paid and use that money for other bills or financial goals.
And there’s another benefit to paying extra on your car loan: You can save the interest you would have paid and use that money for other bills or financial goals. Or, for example, if you are planning to sell your car before the end of your loan term, you might consider using some of the savings from that sale to pay down the loan principal.
It can improve your credit score.
Paying off a car loan early can improve your credit score if you make all of your payments on time. An improved credit score can help you get better interest rates on other loans and credit cards, and improve your chances of getting approved for a mortgage.
However, paying off a car loan early does not always result in an immediate increase to your credit score. This is because the information about the auto loan may remain on your credit report for a period after it has been paid off.
In other words, there may be no difference to your credit score because the information about having had an auto loan is still being reported as part of our monthly updates from lenders. Only once this information is removed from our system will it be reflected in any changes to your credit score.
If you need a new car, paying off an existing car loan could give you more options for financing or leasing another car.
If you plan on getting a new car soon, paying off your old car loan early could be a good idea. First, you’ll have equity in your vehicle once it’s paid off. The amount of equity you have will depend on the value of your car. That equity can help you out when you’re looking to finance or lease a new car.
There are two ways equity can help:
There are several different ways to pay off a car loan early.
Weigh the pros and cons to decide whether paying off a car loan early is the right move for you.
Pros of paying off your car loan early:
Cons of paying off your car loan early:
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